The Famous BRITANNIA INN HOTEL, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales
Britannia Inn Hotel, Llangollen: High Quality accommodation, Bed and Breakfast (B&B)

     Below are some pictures of the Britannia Inn Hotel, Llangollen, and surrounding Countryside. 
Click on the thumbnails below to view the photos...
then just close the window to return to the Britannia Website!
PLEASE NOTE:  This page is in continual development, more photos may be added any time.

General Photo Gallery


View of the front of the Britannia, from the lane...

Britannia Inn Hotel, Llangollen - High quality B&B

This lane is the start (or the end) of some EXCELLENT walking!

Customers enjoying the early spring sunshine...

The Inn can get quite busy, particularly when the weather is good...

The Bently Group hold occasional meetings at the Brit....

Even the large car park can become crowded...

The lovely walking area to (or from) the Britannia....

 The Famous BRITANNIA INN HOTEL, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales.
 High quality accommodation, Bed & Breakfast (B&B).

Well that's some pictures of the Britannia Inn, Llangollen and surrounding countryside - we hope these have whetted your appetite for a visit, and we look forward to seeing you soon!


WEB PAGE DESIGN INFORMATION - Britannia Inn Hotel, Llangollen: High Quality accommodation, Bed and Breakfast (B&B)
Site last updated:    06/11/2006 13:26
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